Why Doesn't God Heal Me?
"As a child about 7 years old I was in a car accident, and a year later attacked by a dog. I have had back problems ever since. I watched God heal my nephew from a 90 degree club foot miraculously as an infant - he know walks perfectly - and have experienced God heal me in different areas. So why do I continue to have these back problems? I know God can, but hasn't."
Here is a situation that often requires the attention of a loving healing ministry team.
Without knowing specifics it would be difficult to help this person. I'll explain why in a moment, but here is a case where trained healing ministries can help. They can work one-on-one with individuals to root out spiritual issues not recognized by the one in need of healing.
First, God wants to heal everyone of physical maladies. Having said that, we are created with free will. Unless we can root out the spiritual roots behind a malady and release them, God cannot heal us. A trained healing team knows this and works in a loving way to uncover these hidden unclean spirits.
So what are we talking about here?
Again I do not know this to be the case for the writer above, but humans have the ability to bury emotional hurts so deep within their being, they forget about them. These emotions often end up in an area of our being called the subconscious. These emotions include feelings of doubt, anger, unforgiveness, greed, pride, an so forth.
These buried emotions are often the most difficult issues to release 'cause the affected person is no longer consciously aware of them. But know this: Such issues continue to do their evil work within our bodies and control our lives.
The Bible tells us to "take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." (2 Cor 10:5). And we are told, "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. (Romans 12:2)
If you've never done this before, this may seem difficult at first. The next thought you have that you recognize is not of faith, step back and look at it from a third person perspective. Ask yourself:
If the thought is not of faith, ask yourself what in your life may have produced the thought. If you can isolate the occurrence in your life where this thought began, ask God for help, then release that thought. Tell the thought to be gone in the name of Jesus, that it is no longer welcome in your heart.
By releasing these hidden thoughts from our subconscious being, by repenting for having carried them, we are able to transform ourselves so God can heal us. Transforming is to be in control of every thought. This may seem like an easy answer to a complicated problem, but it works. I know from personal experience and from studying God's Word.
The thing we need to bear in mind is that God cannot be mocked. If we harbour unclean spirits hidden deep within (or wherever they are), God cannot heal us.
That many Christians continue to suffer in body is sure sign of Satan's presence in their lives. But also know that suffering may or may not be of their making. The world may given it to us through an accident, a mean act of another, etc.
I strongly suggest the person who submitted this question that they seek out a competent healing ministry. Ask for help to uncover any possible deep seated issues that may be holding you captive.
Jim Lynn