Monday, September 25, 2006

Why Doesn't God Heal Me?

Here is a message posted recently on our blog that requests an answer.

"As a child about 7 years old I was in a car accident, and a year later attacked by a dog. I have had back problems ever since. I watched God heal my nephew from a 90 degree club foot miraculously as an infant - he know walks perfectly - and have experienced God heal me in different areas. So why do I continue to have these back problems? I know God can, but hasn't."

Here is a situation that often requires the attention of a loving healing ministry team.

Without knowing specifics it would be difficult to help this person. I'll explain why in a moment, but here is a case where trained healing ministries can help. They can work one-on-one with individuals to root out spiritual issues not recognized by the one in need of healing.

First, God wants to heal everyone of physical maladies. Having said that, we are created with free will. Unless we can root out the spiritual roots behind a malady and release them, God cannot heal us. A trained healing team knows this and works in a loving way to uncover these hidden unclean spirits.

So what are we talking about here?

Again I do not know this to be the case for the writer above, but humans have the ability to bury emotional hurts so deep within their being, they forget about them. These emotions often end up in an area of our being called the subconscious. These emotions include feelings of doubt, anger, unforgiveness, greed, pride, an so forth.

These buried emotions are often the most difficult issues to release 'cause the affected person is no longer consciously aware of them. But know this: Such issues continue to do their evil work within our bodies and control our lives.

The Bible tells us to "take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." (2 Cor 10:5). And we are told, "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. (Romans 12:2)
So how do we take captive every thought and transform ourselves by renewing our minds?

If you've never done this before, this may seem difficult at first. The next thought you have that you recognize is not of faith, step back and look at it from a third person perspective. Ask yourself:
why am I thinking this thought?
Is this thought a thought of faith or of the world?

If the thought is not of faith, ask yourself what in your life may have produced the thought. If you can isolate the occurrence in your life where this thought began, ask God for help, then release that thought. Tell the thought to be gone in the name of Jesus, that it is no longer welcome in your heart.
Taking every thought captive means what it says: Every thought! The more you do this the easier it becomes. And you would be amazed at how much relief you feel when you take control of your thoughts in this manner.

By releasing these hidden thoughts from our subconscious being, by repenting for having carried them, we are able to transform ourselves so God can heal us. Transforming is to be in control of every thought. This may seem like an easy answer to a complicated problem, but it works. I know from personal experience and from studying God's Word.

The thing we need to bear in mind is that God cannot be mocked. If we harbour unclean spirits hidden deep within (or wherever they are), God cannot heal us.

That many Christians continue to suffer in body is sure sign of Satan's presence in their lives. But also know that suffering may or may not be of their making. The world may given it to us through an accident, a mean act of another, etc.

I strongly suggest the person who submitted this question that they seek out a competent healing ministry. Ask for help to uncover any possible deep seated issues that may be holding you captive.

Jim Lynn


At Tuesday, September 26, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

very fine words which no doubt have biblical basis but still if it is gods desire for good towards his children then surely he should heal his children end of story this leaves the thoughts that if he could then he should the fact tat he doesn;t then leads one to think that he cannot why allow illness in the first place just protect your children as the earthly father would do i 'am now thinking more often that we were created imperfect placed inthe garden through our imperfection made mistakes which god called sin and then he proceeded to punish us forever for the imperfect children that he created in the first place

At Tuesday, September 26, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just want to amen your blog particularly the subconscious harboring the root causing the dis-ease. At 54 a root that was established over 20yrs ago is surfacing in my life helping to cause blood sugar disorders.
As regards the previous reply, who can fathom Gods ways? They're past finding out. But the end result always turns out to be fantastic.

At Tuesday, September 26, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I posted the comment regarding back problems. My name is Abe. I have recently gone through a series of counseling sessions and deliverance where several things were revealed and dealt with. I am experiencing relational restoration, emotional restoration and spiritual restoration but not yet physical.

I am not sure how personal to be on these posts so at this point I will ask if we can have discussion here? I have been a Christian for about 8 years, and have experienced; in my opion; several things that many people would long to experience. My one area of confussion is on physical healing. Again, I know God can, does, and will. I also know that satan seeks to kill, steel & destroy. The latter being of weeker and lesser significance. I also believe that like with salvation, Christ paid for it, so it must be with healing as a part of salvation. Do I have this right?

I want to address the comment that I should seek a well grounded healing ministry. First, I completely agree! However, I don't know where to go. I find that in my area many of the churches (forgive me for a lack of better words) are shallow, or don't know what to do. They are well meaning but can only take you to a certain point. I am willing to take any responsibility that I must. The fact is I know that I CAN be free, and I am going after it. I love God and I know that my calling is to empower other beleivers to the 1st Commandment, my back, however, is a physical and emotional drag. Or am I making a mountain out of a mole hill?

I invite you to explore the areas I am overlooking, overstating, or missing. Are my thoughts relevent or should I just forget it?

At Friday, September 29, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe I can help if thats ok. I've been at this for some time. Off the top of my head, use the bible and also try out John& Paula Sandfords book "Transformation of The Inner Man". If you want to talk, you can email me at

At Saturday, December 09, 2006, Blogger hihs said...

The reason people do not receive healing from God is very simple: they do not believe God WILL heal them. It is not a question of their inner thoughts or secret sin or bad unconscious memories. The basis for healing is the same as for salvation: believing that the Son of God's sacrifice at Calvary makes us in Him completely righteous. His death and resurrection took care of the saving of the soul and his suffering i.e. His Stripes took care of the healing of the body. Nowhere in the New Testament do you find Jesus or the Apostles advising people to solve their deep seated psychological problems and then they would be healed. They simply saw illness and healed it. In the new testament there is only one reference to Jesus not being able to heal and that was "because of their unbelief". This unbelief was either in Jesus as Savior or Jesus as Healer. But it was that and that alone that prevented someone from being healed not any other reason.
In the Old Testament God did set out rules and regulations and commandments that if not followed resulted in His sending to the Hebrews sickness and disease or not healing their sickness and disease. God went on to say that if they did keep all His law(which of course was impossible) he would not put sickness on them But believers don't have to worry about that because Jesus, as He said. came to fulfill the law and keep all the law for everyone forever for them that believe on His name.
The admonitions in the new Testament to do certain things such as renewing your mind or "being holy as your father is holy" have the same status as the Ten Commandments; we should do them but if we don't we are not condemned to Hell in the next life or sickness and disease in this life IF WE BELIEVE JESUS CHRIST SETTLED ALL DEBTS,WIPED OUT ALL PENALTIES FOR ALL TRANSGRESSIONS PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE FOR ALL WHO BELIEVE IN HIM!

At Wednesday, December 13, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are people (not necessarily Christians) not healed? There have been several attempts at an answer thus far. I will add my own attempt.

1. maybe the prayer minister doesn't have that gift of healing. 1 Cor 12 states that none of us have all the gifts. I have an 80% healing rate of being answered for healing of arthritis -- in about 5 minutes. But I must rely on a sister for healing of colds and flus.

2. maybe there are charmed objects or property affecting the client. Parts of the jewelry you wear or have around could have been used for occult purposes in the past. Idols of other religions are usually demonically "blessed", which acts as a curse to us. Maybe a shaman or Buddhist blessed the earth by sending demons into the ground in that area.

3. Past occult activity means we have given permission to demons for any of that activity to happen. These demons can come & go. They can be cast out -- and come right back because of the permissions. If you confess the activity as sin and renounce any permissions you gave, the demons might just drop off on their own.

4. God deals with us as individuals, as families, as communities, as churches, as businesses, as cities, as nations, etc. If there are curses on any level, it must be dealt with on that level. Deliverance for the individual won't touch a demonic curse on a family, for instance. Deliver and pray for the family.

5. if someone is tired of living, God will honor that person's free will and withhold healing. If someone grew up without love except when they were sick, they may want to be sick, deep down. Again, God honors the free will He gave that person. I break that by asking the person repeat after me, "I choose life; I renounce death and sickness." If they will do so, the sickness can be treated as a curse and blown off. But not until then. If they won't say it and you can't encourage them to hope, then bless them on their way.

6. A witch can persistently send curses against someone. You heal them and another curse brings it all back. "Gee, I guess it didn't work," the client will say. No, you need to do prayer & deliverance for anyone who is working or conspiring against this person."

7. Heavy witches will use sacrifices, dedications, covenants, etc., to seal a curse in place. Prayer & deliverance won't touch that curse, because you aren't offering a counter-sacrifice of fasting. Remember how Jesus was in fasting mode when He drove off the demon that the apostles couldn't drive off?

8. If demon "gods" have been send against you or you picked them up with occult activity, demons that are receiving a regular infusion of prayer and sacrifice, it's a little more complicated, but they can be knocked out in ten minutes by the self-deliverance pages on my website. Basically, for each demon: A. confession & renunciation, B. break the empowerment given the demon through sacrifices, C. command it to leave you & yours, and D. ask the Holy Spirit to fill all those areas where it left.

Lastly, faith is a gift of the Holy Spirit. We pray in hope & guidance. When the faith descends from above, we know at that point we have what we asked for. An truly, the healing has been done. None of this Hindu believing hard enough to make it happen.

At Tuesday, January 09, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have much experience in this area of spiritual healing not only for myself but in helping others. I also teach others spiritual roots of disease and help them to discover these hidden thoughts that are given to them by the body of sin. In my opinion the Church has done its body a great disservice in not teaching us what sin looks like and wha it truly is. As we walk forward in faith, and daily deal with our thoughts we can be healed. It is much to big of a picture to put in a small box. But healing is available for all. Is your God big enough to heal you? Mine is. Do you really want to be healed? What thoughts and habits are you willing to give up to take hold of your healing? Call disease what it is. It is the body of sin attacking your body because you have given it legal access to it because of your thoughts and/or actions established in your past still holding on in the present.
God Bless you, Barb

At Thursday, April 19, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Jim: I am very interested in the account of Aaron using the fumigation process to stamp out the leprosy plague.

My Grandmother was a medicine woman. I am Cherokee and Jewish and believe my calling (because of specific dreams and events that have happened in my life), is to be involved in the healing of my fellow man.

I am of the Ani Wodi Clan which means that I am involved in 'ceremony', kind of like Aaron, I guess and I would like to know more of my Jewish side, as it relates to the essential oils, incense etc.

Maybe you can help me in that area?

Now, a problem that I have is in my feet. I had a trauma to the feet and am in pain 24/7. Nothing seems to help. I have sensations of crushing, brokenness, stabbing, numbness and extreme sensitivity in the skin...feels like the nerves are on the outside of feet and are exposed.

I had this dream that if I could just put my feet in a vat of clay, like liquidy clay that they would be healed. I spoke to the wife of our Chief and she told me there was plenty of clay where they are and in fact, he is a potter (uses a potters' wheel).

I have heard that clay has healing properties but I was wondering if you have ever heard about putting your feet in clay and how you think that I might be healed using this process.

Also, the Lord has told me that I would be healed through the healing of others and I know that there are many applications to this, such as emotional, mental, spiritual and physical.

Thanks Jim and I hope to hear from you

At Tuesday, April 24, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the message about "why does'nt God heal" I have surffered from many things in my life phyiscaly,spiritually,emotionally etc.. my problems start from way back before I was born its like most things I touch fall to pieces and so I spend so much time trying to pick them up even picking for others and by so doing I go out of my way,I have'nt been able to find someone I can talk to one on one in the healing ministry, My God has shown me what my role is but am too scared to face it,I know I need to come out of my shell, I pary that my Lord sends me a helper I am really looking for a helper who can be able to see certain areas of my life that I can not see myself.I am a strong beleiver in Gods healing he did for my Sister and I remember very well how he showed us the way and how we listened to God and how he answered us.

At Thursday, April 26, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a young energetic girl 23 yaers of age. my grandmother has cancer in her private. i find it very hard to live with this since it hurts me to see my grandmother suffering. Lately she has not been eating, drinking anything nor wants to drink her pills either. i question myself why is this happening to her if she has been soo close to God. From when she was a child she have been going to church and when we were born she introduced us about the Holy one. She has all sorts of diseases u name it she has it, Diabeties, coloesterol, pressure, you name it she has it. Whenever she drinks her pill her hands are full with pills. i cant understand why Jesus doesnt help her and make her live more if my grandfather is an evil person never goes to church only does wicked things and he is walking while my grandmother is bed ridden. With this cancer has deteriorated. Why Jesus doesn't help the God ones like my grandmother who has accepted him in her life.


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