Just One Example of How Prescription Drugs Destroy Lives and a Safe Alternative
Take this pill and you may become addicted to gambling, sex, or even paint your home a dozen times. What pill does that, you ask?
That is the accusation made by hundreds of lawsuits, which have been brought against Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals (BIP), the drug company that manufactures Mirapex.
Originally conceived for treatment of Parkinson’s disease back in the 90’s, BIP scientists recently discovered another market for Mirapex: People who have something termed Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS).
With this expanded market for RLS now in view and coupled with aggressive TV ads, BIP has increased annual Mirapex sales to $235 million in 2004 (up 63% from one year earlier).
Consequences: We reap what we sow.
People taking Mirapex are finding themselves feeling powerful urges to gamble, shop, have sex and eat compulsively. Many have stated that they find these urges uncontrollable, resulting often in broken marriages, bankruptcy, and host of psychological problems including depression and suicide. Many encounter legal problems in addition to everything else as a result of these compulsions.
There are even cases where the complainants have painted their homes ten to fifteen times in the course of two months, and other idiosyncratic behaviors. In virtually every alleged case, the person involved had no prior history of obsessive or compulsive behaviors.
Documented Mirapex clinical study side effects include, enlarged abdomen, suicide, peripheral vascular disease, heart failure, atrial fibrillation, arrhythmia, convulsions, cataract, glaucoma, and prostate disorders.
Under the American Medical Association’s (AMA) guidelines, Mirapex falls under what the AMA calls “acceptable risk.”
A Safe Alternative to Relieve RLS Symptoms:
People that display strange sensations in their legs that keep them from sleeping or cause them to jump up and move around to relieve the discomfort, often find relief with a natural substance called essential oils.
By rubbing a mixture of grape seed oil, wintergreen oil, peppermint oil, oregano oil, and other oils on the lower back and on the soles of the feet, people often find immediate relief.
You would think AMA doctors would be quick to offer a safer alternative to Mirapex for relief from RLS. But here’s the problem: AMA doctors prescribe only by consensus. They could have their license pulled if they operated outside of what is called “acceptable practice.” Further, AMA doctors know of nothing else to prescribe except pharmaceutical drugs. For drugs are the modality they are trained in.
Mirapex is but one example of the many dangers that come with taking chemical drugs. Prescription drugs account for the fourth leading cause of death in the USA. You have to ask yourself: Is your life and health worth risking over a drug? There are safer alternatives. Your life is too precious and your body is too sacred to gamble with “acceptable risks.” We all deserve better medicine.
I never cease to be amazed at what the drug companies seek to push off on unsuspecting people. I'm so glad that more and more people are becoming educated to the evils of prescription drugs and are learning that the answer to safe cures is found in natural substances.
I have dealt with RLS for 20 years. Recently, I have found that essential oils do help relieve the pain but when I am at peace with the fears that come from childhood abuse then I do not have any symptoms at all. I would rather deal with the root than do symptom control.
One of the causes of restless leg is the dificiency of magnesium - I've found mineral essence with essential oils delivery system is the most effective to address the root cause - and totally emilinates this problem over a perior of 6 months with regular use. I totally agree with this article and determined to educate all those who will listen about the dangers of prescription drugs.
What a horrible price to pay for putting this drug into one's body. These drugs are known as "pharmacia" in the bible = witchcraft. There are natural and spiritual consequences for putting these in our body. We need to have complete faith in God and what He has given us for our healing...oils. Let's keep encouraging and educating those around us with the "good news" and the healing that God affords to us HIS way.
I saw that commercial last week and just could not believe all the side effects they listed in that soft, soothing woman's voice. I don't have cable at home and was at someone's house, so I'm not used to seeing those anyway. I'm so blessed that my Heavenly Father has awakened me to the knowledge of essential oils. Thank you for this enlightening post!
It never ceases to amaze me how these advertisers sway so many people with graphics. They look at the graphics and do not pay any attention to what is being said.
Going to the root cause of the problem is the answer....not covering it up, while creating other problems. Very good article!
How many times do we have to hear this same scenario before we believe it...this proves once again that America's "health" system causes more harm than good. It also causes the most amount of DEATH, DISEASE AND SUFFERING! In fact, it is impossible to build health in a system that only treats and manages disease and sickness. America is not just walking, but is sprinting "through the valley of the shadow of death". What does work for our health?...getting the heck out of enemy territory and anchoring to God's truth. The truth is that God put the most amazing healing power on the INSIDE! The greatest doctor in the Universe lives inside each and every one of us...He came to give LIFE, not pills-potions-shots-elixors, and give it to the MAX! (John 10:10)
I had RLS many years ago. Some supplementing with magnesium citrate took care of the problem.
God gave us everything we need on earth. He saw that it was good and when He FINISHED His work, He rested. Man then said, what God has given us is not good enough, let's make our own stuff. Chemical drugs.
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Drugs can cure people only for a short time there's a true healer He is our lord Jesus christ trust in him and see a complete healing in your self.
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hi this is Prem k Sunuwar I'm from Pokhara, Nepal and I'm also serving among people who suffering with Drug addiction. We are not actually giving healed people from their addiction 100% but HE is only ONE (Jesus Christ) can do that and we are the channel to show his ministry this days in earth. Ah your ministry doing really awesome and is that from God, so God bless your ministry; Amen.
Great post. I'm feeling better and better about my decision of not taking even a pain medication. This is an eye opener.
Jim, great mission you have here! I think you would love www.heavenshealthplan.com --sounds pretty close to what you are doing.
It is very interesting post for me. Such a great work. I also suggest this blog all my friends.HEALING
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