Monday, January 08, 2007

Angels Among Us: Two Fascinating Stories

"Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing
some people have entertained angels without knowing it."
Hebrews 13:2

Maybe you're a skeptic. That's okay, but just listen to these two fascinating stories and decide for yourself.

"Are not all angels ministering spirits sent
to serve those who will inherit salvation?"
Hebrews 1:14
Feel free to comment.
Many blessings,
Jim Lynn
God's Healing Word Ministry


At Tuesday, January 09, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wanted to share an angel story with you.

For the last decade I have been praying every night for my parents to be saved. I would constantly try to find ways to talk to them about Jesus Christ but always met with rejection.

One evening last summer, the phone rang and it was my mother. Her phone call was not unexpected because we try to talk every evening now that she and my father are up in their 80's and both of them have failing health. I was greeted by my Mom's voice.

I asked her how her day went and she said, "Well it was rather strange. Your dad and I went shopping and as we were walking along the sidewalk between stores, two "beautiful" men approached us. We talked about the state of the world and how many churches were closing etc. We then started talking about God and the men spoke to us about him and his love for us. Before we knew it, there we were holding hands in a circle praying a prayer for salvation. When we finished the two men smiled and walked away. As I turned back to look at them again, there was no one there.
All and all it was a strange day!"

Well my heart leapt out of my chest and I began to praise the Lord. I asked my mother why she called these men beautiful. She thought for a second and then said, "Well, it's the only way I could describe them." I told her I thought that her and my father had been visited by angels.

I told her how often I had prayed for her and my dad's salvation and that God had answered my prayers. Now both my mom and Dad are very ill, my dad with cancer and my mom has recently begun to lose her memory and is in much pain with severe arthritis but I am at peace because I know they will be with me in eternity!! Praise God!!!

At Tuesday, January 09, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have had angel intervention but have not seen their presence. However, when my aunt was dying she saw and talked to her angels that were in the room with her. She always asked, "See the lady, isn't she beautiful?"

At Thursday, February 08, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

February 8, 2007
Waynesville, Ohio

Dear Believing Saints:

My story event took place 43 years ago. I was 16 years old and recently licensed to drive. While operating my dads Chevy automobile, I set out to go to the neighboring county seat in Clinton County, to visit with child hood friends, since we lived in a very small remote village in Ohio. As I started out, I noticed a man hitch hiking and picked him up, supposing my dad might have done the same. As we rode toward our destination we shared very few words beyond where I was going etc. The man indicated to me shortly before the culmination of our ten mile trip that he was hungry. AT first, I resisted the impulse to be generous and offer to buy him something to eat, but it was only a mental conversation, I finally said after entering the small rural town that I would buy him a hamburger at a long established food stop called Vans Ice Cream store which I knew all but too well.

We stopped and I went inside, the man stayed in my car. I emerged with the hamburger and handed it to him and he stepped out of the car as I pulled away. Immediately, I became convicted that I should have offered to purchase him a drink also and circled the block expeditiously to deliver the good deed, I noticed that the man was no where to be found and there was no obvious means for him to escape my observation because there was not enough time for a car or any other method to account for his disapperance.

You may wonder why this event has remained a strong example which has always blostered my faith. We were poor, unequivocally and I only had about three dollars in my pocket that day. We had plenty to eat at home, but the fact remains, that I would not have left for town if I were flat out broke and then this stranger tells me that he is hungry.

I continue to be a staunch believer in Gods word and his ability to transform hearts and minds today. I pray for the unbelievers today who participate in flippant hersies.



At Tuesday, March 20, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You need to update your blog!

At Thursday, April 05, 2007, Blogger MotherTru said...

Welfare Mom's Angel

Several years ago when I lived in upstate New York, I was going through a very difficult divorce and custody battle. I was waiting in a room to meet with my Social worker to get food stamps. I had three small children, and homeless. The room was filled and I made friends with the young couple in front of me. The hours passed and we were the last 3 people in the room. Then they were called. Suddenly there was a beautiful, older black woman sitting several rows back from me.
We started talking, and I noticed that I could only talk about the positive side of things, although my situation seemed so bleak. She also seemed to know an awful lot about me, and I thought maybe she had overheard me talking to that young couple, although I doubted she could have heard anything over all the noise going on in the crowded room, and workers constantly calling out peoples names.
I was even feeling very hopeful that things were going to be o.k.
I got called up, and as I turned to say goodbye, she was gone. There was not any other way out than where I was standing. I said, "where did she go?", and my case worker said, "who?". "The lady I was talking to" I said, and she told me that when she came to get me I was all alone. I believe she was an angel, and I will never forget her, or the positive effect she had on me.

At Tuesday, September 18, 2007, Blogger Unknown said...

I love your stories, they're inspirational.

At Thursday, March 14, 2013, Blogger Unknown said...

I have to say that overall I'm really pleased with this blog.HEALING


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