Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Rejoice! Rejoice!

At a time in our culture when Christianity and the celebration of our Lord and Savior's birth are being attacked by secularism, I want to lift your spirit in song.

Turn your speakers up and click on the green button below. Listen to this inspirational rendition of "O Come Immanuel." Rejoice in your faith that God is with us.

Recorded by Melissa Champlion and her husband, Joe, "O Come Immanuel" typifies this couple's inspirational music created to spread the Good News. To learn more about their music and ministry, visit

Here's another gift to lift your spirit.

I want to give you a sample of the devotional series that will be released next Summer. Listen to a work in progress by clicking on Daily Healing Devotional. Each daily devotion is followed with a short prayer and editorial comment. Run time is 5 minutes.

May your family's Christmas Day and every day be filled with the blessing of Immanuel.

In His Peace,

Jim Lynn
God's Healing Word Ministry